What You Need to Know Before Removing Your Wisdom Teeth 


If you’re reading this article and between the ages of seventeen to twenty-five, chances are it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed. Being told that you need to extract teeth from the back of your mouth is understandably nerve-racking. However, I’m here to ease your mind by diving into the nitty gritty about wisdom teeth and what leads to their removal.

What are wisdom teeth? The teeth commonly referred to as “wisdom teeth,” are the third set of molars at the very back of your mouth. These teeth normally grow in between the ages of seventeen and twenty-five.

The Problem with Wisdom Teeth: There are two major issues that arise when wisdom teeth begin to erupt (Grow through the gum line).

  1. Most people have a jawline that is too small to harbor a third set of molars. Because of this, the teeth will grow at jagged, inconsistent angles that lead to severe pain and long-lasting tooth alignment issues. In these circumstances, it is safer to remove the teeth altogether rather than opt for more intensive tooth adjustment surgeries. It’s a simple cost benefit analysis. The teeth don’t do much to help and they cause a lot of problems. So, better to say goodbye!
  2. The second issue is a direct effect of the molars growing in at odd angles. What happens is that the wisdom teeth don’t fully extend through the gum line. Making them very difficult to clean or maintain. Because of this, the portion of tooth that is hidden below the surface is at risk of plaque buildup, tooth decay, and periodontitis/ gum disease.

How To Know If You Need to Have Your Teeth Removed:

Your dentist or dental practitioner will tell you when it’s time to have your wisdom teeth removed. Still, there are a lot of symptoms that can serve as warning signs for wisdom tooth removal. These symptoms include:

  • Tender, bleeding gums (May look red or swollen)
  • Jaw pain or swelling
  • Unpleasant tastes in your mouth/ bad breath
  • Pain or tension when trying to open your mouth

If, towards the back of your mouth, you notice any of these symptoms, you should visit your dentist immediately. It’s better to be cautious rather than waiting for the pain to dissipate or go away. The sit and wait strategy only ever leads to further, larger issues that require more expensive and time-consuming solutions.

Smart Solutions and Prevention Methods:

While you can’t prevent your wisdom teeth from growing in, you can diminish the risks they impose. By meeting with your dentist every six months and regularly updating your teeth x-rays, you can monitor your teeth and create a corresponding oral maintenance game plan. These processes will empower you to best manage your teeth health and prevent problems before they arise.

Wisdom teeth removal is a normal step in most people’s dental journey. It’s not required for everyone, but is common for most young adults. If you notice any pain, swelling, or consistent bleeding in your mouth, it’s an indication that you should meet with your dentist for a checkup. The best strategy for keeping your teeth happy and healthy is to meet with your dental practitioner on a regular basis.

One final bit of advice: You can’t prevent the removal of wisdom teeth, but that doesn’t mean the procedure has to be all bad. Grab some ice cream, good movies, a couple of friends, and get ready to enjoy some free time.

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