The Ultimate Guide to Flossing


Good gum health is all about having a daily teeth regiment. Within that ritual should be at least two minutes of brushing twice a day, a little rinse of mouthwash, and detailed flossing. In a 2016 article by the Associated Press, they scoured over 25 different studies and concluded that flossing didn’t have any proven health benefits. So why am I suggesting that you floss in this article? Because even though there aren’t enough studies providing clinical proof of flossing’s role in healthy teeth. There is plenty of data supporting that flossing helps with gum health.

Which will prevent lots of diseases and bleeding in the long term.

Flossing breaks down bacteria and plaque that can otherwise build up and lead to periodontal diseases. There’s a lot of information out there though about proper flossing habits and products. In this article is everything you need to know about how to floss your way to a happy and healthy smile.

Consequences of not flossing:

The repercussions from not flossing are actually pretty straightforward. Without a solid flossing routine, plaque will build up along the gum line and can lead to periodontal disease. Periodontitis is a serious gum infection that if not treated will lead to the destruction of the jaw bone.

The disease is common, but can easily be prevented. Its leading cause is poor oral hygiene and its symptoms include swollen gums, tooth aches, and even tooth loss. Periodontitis has also been linked to heart and lung diseases. While the infection is treatable by periodontists, it is far simpler to prevent periodontitis than to treat it. The absolute best proven strategy for prevention is going to the store and getting a pack of floss.

Best flossing products:

There are thousands of products aimed specifically at flossing. Between different brands of floss string to dental floss sticks to oral irrigators, there’s a ton of options to choose between. The best way to figure out what you need is to try a few of the items and determine if they help you keep to a routine.

More important than the distinguishing factors in these products is that you actually floss your teeth every day. For some people, using a flossing stick or pick is easier than using floss string. Meaning that they’re more likely to floss with the pick. If this is the case for you, then use the stick. If you like the old-fashioned flossing string, go for it.

Which one you use is far less important than making sure you’re regularly flossing. To keep plaque from building up you need to be consistent, so buy the product that will enable you to thoroughly clean your teeth every day.

Quick hint: If you have a permanent retainer or braces, you still need to be flossing every day. G.U.M. produces the Eez-Thru floss threaders. This product will make it much easier to floss between the teeth that are held in place.

How to floss:

One of the most frequent questions I’m asked is whether someone should floss before or after they brush. To set the record straight, there are lots of contrasting theories and they all lead to the same conclusion. It’s more important that you floss daily than it is flossing at a specific point during that day. Whether you decide to floss before or after is completely up to you.

Flossing can be tedious, but it doesn’t have to be. The American Dental Association recommends that an individual clean between their teeth once a day. This is a great opportunity to listen to a podcast, think about the coming day, or anything else. As long as the teeth are being cleaned, the time is all yours. Make flossing fun however you can so that you keep polishing those pearly whites every day.

Gums may be sensitive when starting out a flossing routine, but remember that this is only temporary. After a few days any bleeding will stop and soreness will diminish. If using a floss stick or string, make sure to really get between the gums and teeth. Careful to raise the floss up and down smoothly, so that the string doesn’t snap into your gums. This can cause damage from trauma to your gum line. For the best results, slide the string up and down eight to ten times and make sure to clean the backs of the four rear teeth as well.

After you’ve flossed, wash out your mouth with water or mouthwash and then admire your healthier smile.

Data suggests that flossing isn’t the end all be all for healthy teeth. However, it is vitally important to maintaining healthy gums. It’s not enough to floss once a week, flossing needs to be part of a daily habit. This will prevent periodontitis and other dental diseases while producing a happier, cleaner smile.

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